Written by on January 28, 2022


Shared By Peter Boykin – American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist

Previous Article:

A stunning new analysis of tax disclosures reveals how much Mark Zuckerberg funneled $350 million dollars into key swing states during the 2020 election and how that money disproportionately funded turn-out efforts in Biden-friendly districts. We reported on this last month, but new details show just how lopsided it was.

First things first: Zuckerberg funneled his Zuck-bucks through a nonprofit company called the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL).

According to, CTCL is:
a left-learning election reform advocacy group that pushes for Democrat voting policies. Its founders were part of the now-defunct “New Organizing Institute” which the Washington Post described as “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry.”

Seems like an unbiased arbiter, right… 😒

Where the money went: According to the CTCL’s 2020 tax filings, it received $350 million in Zuck-bucks. which it distributed to 2,500 election departments in 49 states during the 2020 campaign. Here’s how they distributed that money in a few key swing states, between Trump districts and Biden districts:

Pennsylvania: $22 million:
Trump counties: $1.73 million (7%)
Biden counties: $20.8 million (83%)

Georgia: $45 million
Trump counties: $2.6 million (6%)
Biden counties: $42.4 million (94%)

Arizona: $5 million
Trump counties: $671,000 (13%)
Biden counties: $3.9 million (75%)

Michigan: $16.8 million
Trump counties: Incomplete data
Biden counties: $14.6 million (86%)

Discrepancies like this don’t happen by accident. Even the RINO editorial board over at the Wall Street Journal conceded: “There are good questions about how CTCL spent money… even under the purest motives, private election funding is inappropriate and sows distrust.”

[Source: You can read the full, in-depth report from the Capital Research Center]

UPDATED: Shining a Light on Zuck Bucks in the 2020 Battleground States

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