Author: Peter Boykin

Page: 98

Biden CDC and Fauchi Are Not to Be Trusted     While we are told to "trust the science" how much can we really trust, Biden, CDC, and Fauchi? First up, the COVID 'HOSPITALIZATION' STATS ARE WRONG Health experts consider hospitalizations as the main barometer for measuring where we are in the Covid pandemic. But [...]
Biden and His Fascist Mandates   PROTECT THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE Woke Communists are re-writing our history and erasing the foundation of what it means to be an American. Now, more than ever we need to stand together, united to push back. Corporate media, big government, and big tech are aligned with the woke [...]
AOC Tax the Rich and a Heartbeat in Texas AOC wears a 'Tax The Rich' dress at $30K-per-ticket Met Gala Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., wore a white dress with the slogan "tax the rich" at the lavish Met Gala in New York.   The wardrobe choice drew a mixed response on social media, with some [...]
Marine Who Criticized Military Leaders over Afghan Exit Fired and said he was ordered to undergo mental health screening U.S. Marine officer who was relieved of his command for breaking rank and calling out the brass over the chaotic and deadly evacuation of American troops from Afghanistan in which 13 service members were killed said [...]
Trump Said SAY NO TO MASKS Twitter suspended several accounts that are focused on election audits in states like Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. These aren't conspiracy accounts. These are accounts reporting on court-sanctioned, state-legislature-run audits. So what does that tell us? We're on the right trail.   Meanwhile,  Former President Trump released a strong statement [...]
CDC DEMANDS AMERICANS USE 'INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE' Did you know that when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was first created in 1946 its primary function was to deal with malaria? It would eventually grow to target all aspects of public health, from communicable diseases to viral outbreaks. But the CDC today is very much a [...]
A Mothers Message to Biden Biden 'trusted our enemy' in Afghanistan, grieving mom of slain US soldier Paula Knauss, mother of fallen Army Staff Sgt. Ryan Knauss is pointing fingers at the Biden administration for the death of her son during America’s messy withdrawal from Afghanistan. The grieving mother stressed a call for accountability on [...]
Biden Left Americans To Die in Afghanistan A convicted rapist from Afghanistan that was deported by former President Trump made his way back to the United States last week on an evacuation flight from Kabul airport. I thought the Biden administration told us that Afghan's were being highly vetted before being brought to the U.S.? [...]
Biden Pressed Afghan President To Create Perception the Taliban was Losing Joe Biden in a recent speech tried to use lies and misdirection to put a bow on his deadly, failed withdrawal from Afghanistan. Only one problem... He's had to do so many Presidential addresses since this crisis began three weeks ago, that the American [...]
U.S. DRONE STRIKE KILLS INNOCENT AFGHAN FAMILY The Biden administration announced that it had conducted an airstrike on a vehicle carrying at least one suicide bomber who intended to detonate his explosives at the Kabul airport. Not so fast: There are reports that the strike actually killed nine innocent Afghans, including children and our allies. [...]

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