Author: Peter Boykin

Page: 84

RACE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   The United States is racing to recover its most advanced $100 million dollar stealth F-35 fighter jet from the bottom of the ocean before China can get to it. Back up: Earlier this week an F-35 [...]
RESTAURANTS SUFFER IN BLUE STATES Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Restaurant reservations have plunged in cities with vaccine mandates so far this year compared to pre-pandemic data. According to data from OpenTable, the online reservation app, here's how major cities across the country are doing today, compared to [...]
MEDICAL TYRANNY Against David Ferguson Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist The left loves to demand "health care for all." Apparently, that doesn't extend to the unvaccinated. David Ferguson, a 31-year-old father of two, is literally fighting for his life and in desperate need of a heart transplant. He was [...]
UNIVERSAL PRE-K FAILS Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist The left is pushing hard for universal pre-school across the country, so they can start indoctrinating your kids when they're toddlers. It was a big part of Biden's failed 'Build Back Better' bill and Democrats are now looking at new ways [...]
BIDEN CALLS FOX NEWS REPORTER A "STUPID SON OF A B*TCH" Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Joe Biden was caught on a hot microphone calling Fox News reporter Peter Doocey a "stupid son of a b*tch" after the reporter asked him a question about inflation. Here's how the conversation [...]
DEMS COULD HAVE LOWERED CAR PRICES 7 MONTHS AGO... Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Back in June, a bipartisan group of Senators passed a bill that would provide billions in funding for companies to manufacture semiconductor chips in the United States. Why this matters: The U.S. is facing [...]
JUDGE BLOCKS BIDEN'S VAX MANDATE FOR FEDERAL WORKERS Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   A federal judge just dealt another body blow to the Biden regime's attempt to force Americans to take the covid vaccine. What went down: On Friday, Judge Jeffrey Vincent Brown forced Biden to halt his [...]
TEETERING ON THE BRINK OF CRISIS Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist The Biden regime is rapidly sliding us into a proxy war with Russia, in an attempt to distract Americans from the problems the regime has created at home. Let me make my opinion clear: None of America's children [...]
SURVEY SAYS LETS GO BRANDON Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist The New York Times [boy, do they regret doing this] put together a focus group made up of 14 independent voters - all of which voted for both Obama and Trump. And they asked the voters a series of [...]
TRUMP ENDS THE RUMORS ABOUT DESANTIS Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist For months the Democrat media has been trying to create a conflict between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis. It makes sense. The Democrats fear them both, so their best bet is to try and pit them against one [...]

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