Pope Francis Declares Homosexuality not a crime and welcomes LGBT to the Church

Pope Francis Declares Homosexuality not a crime and welcomes LGBT to the Church Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Pope Francis Declares Homosexuality not a crime and welcomes LGBT to the Church https://goforwardnews.com/pope-francis-declares-homosexuality-not-a-crime-and-welcomes-lgbt-to-the-church/ Pope Francis: Homosexuality not a crime https://gaysfortrump.org/pope-francis-declares-homosexuality-not-a-crime-and-welcomes-lgbt-to-the-church/ https://gayconservativesofamerica.com/pope-francis-declares-homosexuality-not-a-crime-and-welcomes-lgbt-to-the-church/   Taking the lead from Former President Trump, [...]

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