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Mandates, Misinformation, and a 3rd Booster, oh my Remember a few weeks back when a CDC slide 'leaked' that said the Delta variant “is as transmissible as: – Chicken Pox"? It was front-page news everywhere, and another way to try and scare the hell out of people. Well, that CDC slide was inaccurate. And this [...]
  CDC FORCED TO RETRACT LIE ABOUT FLORIDA   The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was forced yesterday to admit it had fabricated Covid data to make Florida, and its Gov. Ron DeSantis look bad. The big lie: On Sunday, the CDC website showed record-high new covid cases for Florida: 28,317. The fake news media, [...]
NFL PLAYERS REACT TO LEAGUE'S VAXX RULE Some of the NFL's biggest stars are speaking out against the league's new Covid-19 rules that specifically target unvaccinated players. The new rule says: Teams will have to forfeit games if a Covid outbreak occurs on the team and the game can't be rescheduled - if the outbreak [...]

Ronald McDonald’s after selling unhealthy food for decades now demands Wear a Mask Or Go To Jail The Nazis had a phrase that covered all abuses by the State “für Ihre Sicherheit” “It’s For Your Safety” The Law (Mask Police?) was Called on Peter Boykin because due to breathing issues he was unable to “just […]

The Gas Prices the next muzzle on American Citizens Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve seen what’s been going on since the “Pedotus” in Chief aka Mr. Biden took over, we’ve seen the left get every single thing that they’ve wanted.  Sadly, this has all been since the last midterms, honestly, we did not back up Trump enough. That’s why Trump was not able to get everything […]

Migrant Kids Come First when it comes to San Diego Public School Teacher Priorities San Diego public school teachers to give migrant kids in-person instruction before their own students, mainly due to the higher covid rates of migrant children. Teachers from San Diego Unified School District are teaching migrant children in-person before their own students […]

FAUCI TRIES TO RE-WRITE HISTORY Did you know that Dr. Anthony Fauci was the one who decided to develop a Covid-19 vaccine? Neither did I. But over the weekend Fauci appeared on CNN and took credit for the medical breakthrough: “When I saw what happened in New York City, almost overrunning of our health care […]

GOV. RON DESANTIS TO BAN ‘VACCINE PASSPORTS’ IN FLORIDA Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues to prove that he’s the best governor in America today. Yesterday he vowed to take executive action to prevent the use of a “vaccine passport” in the state of Florida. Back up: The Biden administration is working on a “vaccine passport” […]

Covid Cuomo Gave His Family and Cronies First Access to the Coronavirus Tests Covid Cuomo gave preferential COVID-19 testing access to New York-based pharmaceutical exec, along with Cuomo’s relatives, and other cronies got coronavirus testing priority. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York Health Commissioner Howard Zucker directed health officials to prioritize the governor’s […]

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