Author: Peter Boykin

Page: 93

Call To Action To End Medical Tyranny Call Your Local Representatives and Vote in Patriots By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Call To Action To End Medical Tyranny Call Your Local Representatives and Vote in Patriots We are NOT Slaves to Our Jobs @NCHouseSpeaker Tim Moore - Call To Action! [...]
DIET SOCIALISM IS SOCIALISM Diet Socialism is Socialism By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist 'DIET' SOCIALISM IS STILL SOCIALISM We finally have an idea of what's inside the framework of Joe Biden's new $1.75 trillion-dollar 'Build Back Better' spending bill. And it's a whole lot of socialism. It may not be [...]
SCARY NEWS IN THE POLLS FOR POOPY PANTS BIDEN Scary news in the Polls for Poopy Pants Biden By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   'SCARY NEWS' FOR #PoopPantsBiden AND DEMS You know it was a good weekend when the hashtag #PoopyPantsBiden was the number one trending topic on Twitter. Here's [...]
Fauci Literally Kills Puppies By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   FAUCI LITERALLY KILLS PUPPIES One issue that Democrats and Republicans can agree on is: Don't torture puppies. Dr. Fauci apparently didn't get the message. It turns out while Fauci was funding 'gain of function' research at the Wuhan lab... He [...]
Biden coughs into his hand, then proceeds to shake hands with the public while maskless By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Biden coughs into his hand, then proceeds to shake hands with the public while maskless President Biden coughed into his hand following a Monday speech in New Jersey and [...]
Biden gets some bad news from a 2024 poll out of a crucial primary state By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Biden gets some bad news from a 2024 poll out of a crucial primary state This weekly column on the next race for the White House usually zeroes in on [...]
Cuomo Charged By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   CUOMO CHARGED Disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been charged with forcibly groping a former aide - a crime that could put him in jail for a year if convicted. Details: The criminal complaint claims that on December 7 at [...]
The NIH Changed The Definition of Gain of Function on their website Amid Scandal By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   THE NIH CHANGED THE DEFINITION OF 'GAIN OF FUNCTION' ON THEIR WEBSITE AMID SCANDAL Recently the National Institutes of Health (NIH) quietly altered its website to change the definition of [...]
Virginia parents to McAuliffe Our concerns arent just a divisive Youngkin campaign tactic By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Virginia parents to McAuliffe: Our concerns aren't just a 'divisive' Youngkin campaign tactic Virginia parents speaking to Fox News condemned some recent comments by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe as "insulting" [...]
Washington Post hits McAuliffe with four Pinocchios for wildly inflating Virginia coronavirus numbers By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   Washington Post hits McAuliffe with four Pinocchios for 'wildly' inflating Virginia's coronavirus numbers   Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe's repeated false statements about the number of coronavirus cases and hospitalizations [...]

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