Author: Peter Boykin

Page: 80

LOCK HER UP Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   This story gets a bit in the weeds, so I recommend a big sip of coffee before you crack into it. But the headline is: Hillary spied on Trump while he was President. According to new court filings made by [...]
Peter Boykin For Congress Will NEVER Give UP The Fight To Save America Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Peter Boykin For Congress Will NEVER Give UP The Fight To Save America   Shared by #GoRightNews Each Month GoRightNews Spends Hundreds of Dollars and Hours To Run This [...]
GoRightNews Week Feb 5 - Feb 13 2022 - Part 2 Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   GoRightNews Week Feb 5 - Feb 13 2022 - Part 2 GoRightNews Week Feb 5 thru Feb 13 2022 Part 2     GIVE SEND GOING NOWHERE GIVE SEND GOING NOWHERE [...]
GoRightNews Week Feb 5 - Feb 13 2022 - Part 1 Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist   GoRightNews Week Feb 5 - Feb 13 2022 - Part 1 BIG GOV & BIG TECH TRY TO CRUSH THE FREEDOM CONVOY BIG GOV & BIG TECH TRY TO CRUSH THE [...]
GoFundMe Hasn’t Shut Down ‘18 Fundraisers’ That Support Crime, Riots, Abortion, And Genital Mutilation Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist GoFundMe stated that it would take millions of dollars from Canadian truckers opposing the country’s forced COVID reaction. Following an outcry, the site declared that contributors refund the money. GoFundMe [...]
Durham Report States that Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, and White House servers to link Trump to Russia Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist 'Tech Executive-1 and his associates exploited this arrangement by mining the EOP's DNS traffic and other data for the purpose of gathering derogatory information [...]
CNN Poll States Nearly 60 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden's job performance Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist Nearly 60 percent of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s job performance as his approval rating sinks even further, according to a new CNN poll.       Fifty-eight percent of Americans [...]
Law Licenses Suspended for McCloskeys, the Missouri Couple Who Held Off Protesters Outside Their Home Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist The Missouri Supreme Court has indefinitely suspended the law licenses of a Missouri couple convicted of misdemeanors for holding guns outside of their St. Louis home in 2020, when [...]
Leana Wen Is Not Being Honest with You (Commentary by Noah Rothman) Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist The science has changed,” declared Dr. Leana Wen. The George Washington University public health expert, columnist, and ubiquitous presence on CNN since the start of the pandemic buoyantly informed the network’s viewers [...]
Pelosi Congress Claims Sovereign Immunity in Federal Court to Keep Secret January 6 Videos and Emails Shared By Peter Boykin - American Political Commentator / Citizen Journalist (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced that it filed an opposition to the U.S. Capitol Police’s (USCP) effort to shut down Judicial Watch’s federal lawsuit for January 6 [...]

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