Author: Peter Boykin

Page: 104

Hotels For Illegal Migrants, while our homeless sleep in the streets Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn is demanding answers from the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement over $86.9 million the agencies are spending to house more than 1,200 migrant families in hotel rooms. Blackburn has a lot of questions for ICE, DHS […]

KNIVES KILL MORE PEOPLE THAN RIFLES The Democrats are back at it, pushing hard for gun control measures that would ban “assault-style” weapons like the AR-15. But FBI data proves that you’re more likely to get killed by handguns, knives, or even… feet. Here is how that breaks down: [most recent full data set is […]

HUNTER BIDEN’S GUN PROBLEM While his dad is pushing for Congress to enact gun-control measures, Hunter Biden could face gun-related charges for an incident in 2018. According to left-wing outlet Politico, in October of 2018, Hunter Biden and Hallie Biden were involved in a “bizarre incident in which Hallie took Hunter’s gun and threw it […]

FAUCI TRIES TO RE-WRITE HISTORY Did you know that Dr. Anthony Fauci was the one who decided to develop a Covid-19 vaccine? Neither did I. But over the weekend Fauci appeared on CNN and took credit for the medical breakthrough: “When I saw what happened in New York City, almost overrunning of our health care […]

GOV. RON DESANTIS TO BAN ‘VACCINE PASSPORTS’ IN FLORIDA Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues to prove that he’s the best governor in America today. Yesterday he vowed to take executive action to prevent the use of a “vaccine passport” in the state of Florida. Back up: The Biden administration is working on a “vaccine passport” […]

Harris Laughs at the Border Crisis and Biden Cannot Handle His Man-Made Crisis Harris reportedly frustrated with ongoing VP mansion renovations amid border crisis The Biden administration is putting out a call for government volunteers to report for duty amid the significant surge at the border, but many are asking — where is the person […]

Devil Shoes, The Biden Migrant Crisis, The Suez Canal Penis and More Maga First News Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed the Republican-backed “Election Integrity Act of 2021” into law as Democratic lawmakers protested the bill. The legislation will tighten up elections and reduce fraud by enforcing conformity across the state, amping up voter ID, restricting […]

DC mayor ignited outrage in a tweet after Uber Eats deadly carjacking More DC teens arrested as graphic video of deadly Uber Eats carjacking surfaces Just days after two teenage girls in Washington, D.C., were charged in a botched carjacking that led to the brutal death of an Uber Eats delivery driver, D.C. police arrested […]

Breaking down Biden’s first press conference Imagine the Joe Biden of that press conference faced with a real international crisis The event occurred on the 65th day of Biden’s presidency. Critics of the Biden administration have called on officials to make Biden available to the press on a regular basis. White House press secretary Jen […]

Biden’s halt of border wall construction sends migrants streaming into the US Thousands of tons of steel and heavy equipment stand idle along the U.S.-Mexico border as legions of migrants exploit holes in the fence left by President Biden’s decision to halt construction. From Texas to California, unfinished sections of the wall have become convenient […]

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