Author: Peter Boykin

Page: 102

Ronald McDonald’s after selling unhealthy food for decades now demands Wear a Mask Or Go To Jail The Nazis had a phrase that covered all abuses by the State “für Ihre Sicherheit” “It’s For Your Safety” The Law (Mask Police?) was Called on Peter Boykin because due to breathing issues he was unable to “just […]

“We the People is Government” is Biden’s Communist Manifesto   Listen to “We the People is Government is Biden’s Communist Manifesto” on Spreaker.   In his first major address since taking office, President Biden was [as Ted Cruz put it]: boring but radical. Biden reflected on his first 100 days and outlined a vision for […]

Supreme Court To Hear Concealed Carry Case Listen to “Supreme Court To Hear Concealed Carry Case” on Spreaker. The Supreme Court announced that in its upcoming term it will decide a core gun rights issue: Whether the Second Amendment requires states to give permits to law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons. The case they’ve taken […]

Remembering Alfie Evans and Why State Controlled Welfare is Evil   Podcast: Listen to “Remembering Alfie Evans and Why State Controlled Welfare is Evil” on Spreaker.   On the anniversary of April 28, 2018, we were tragically reminded why we can never let the false promises of ‘medicare for all’ be implemented in the United […]

GOP Gains House Seats Thanks To Census Podcast: Listen to “GOP Gains House Seats Thanks To Census” on Spreaker.   The U.S. Census Bureau released the results of the 2020 census and how it will affect the number of House seats each state gets. All in all, the Republicans will gain 2 seats and the […]

The Gas Prices the next muzzle on American Citizens Unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ve seen what’s been going on since the “Pedotus” in Chief aka Mr. Biden took over, we’ve seen the left get every single thing that they’ve wanted.  Sadly, this has all been since the last midterms, honestly, we did not back up Trump enough. That’s why Trump was not able to get everything […]

Liz Cheney Thinks Donald Trump Is Not The Republican Party What Do You Think?     “I think right now, the Republican Party is headed by [Senate Minority Leader] Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy in the House. I think our elected leaders, you know, are the ones who are in charge of the Republican Party and I […]

Biden’s First One Hundred Days, How Did We Survive?   Joe Biden has crossed the 100-day mark of his presidency, an arbitrary benchmark on the calendar, but a decades-old standard used to judge presidents.  The beginnings of this start with Franklin D. Roosevelt, the last commander and chief whose first three months in office were truly momentous. 100 days have become a point […]

Left, Right, or Milo Which is Worse For The Gay Conservative Movement?     Milo Yiannopoulos still continues on his long streak of saying that he is a straight white male, although for many, many years we have seen him definitely as a gay British male.  You just don’t change overnight.  As much as I Peter Boykin have probably reached out […]

  Are You Willing To Go Right and Work For Change and To Conserve our Great America   It’s funny how Republicans will gripe and say that lefties are lazy and you know they “just sit around and collect checks” when in reality leftists are on the news constantly, constantly fighting, protesting, destroying stuff, and raising hell to get […]

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